Death Kenny


The begin

(Harvey is sleeping with Fee. But then, Foo breaks the door down and confronts them)
Foo: {in fit of rage} "SERIOUSLY, HARVEY? FUCK YOU!" {he starts to beat up Harvey}
Fee: {pushes Foo off him} "YOU CUMDUMPSTER, GET OFF OF HIM!!!"
Foo: {he opens the door to leave} "IF HARVEE MAK SOULH PEEK FANFIC, I WONTEE KEEL HIM! BUT I'LL KILL THAT BIG GREEN TURD, SHREK!" {he leave in anger}
Harvey: "Shit, dude."

hes fic

It was another day, and ''another day ''meant Kenny dies from a random accident; this time, the South Park kids (Stan, Kyle, and Cartman) felt guilty. They felt sorry for their friend, and pitted him in the agony he was going through. That night, Stan cuddled up in bed with Wendy, and slept the night to clear their minds that Kenny will, indeed, come back the next da. As the slept, They kiss slowly and start to FUCK each other the same time. After that, and after Stan did a large cum in HER AS, they finally sleep; Stan woke up, and started to fap to a picture of Kyle ( which melted he cheat)/ and then he went bak slee4/ then kenny peeked at penny's dick,and began to tap, but slain - MIZESLS ROCCCK!@11 - shot him.

th3 next (gay) day

"Good morning, my lovely Fee" Harvey say, as he kissed Fee on the lip.
"Aw' sweetie, Foo's here, and he wants that fic or else" she resl in hooroar
"mkay" harvee sez, as he give FOO his fix.